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Our production
Bent load-bearing and structural elements of the frame made of composite bar BASIS Bent Elements®

Bent composite bar elements BASIS Bent Elements®

  IMG_6937 гнутые 4 гнутые 2

Composite bent elements of BASIS Bent Elements® are used to strengthen the strength of reinforced concrete structures, are used when creating three-dimensional reinforcement frames (to combine their components), when reinforcing various products. The use of bent ones is necessary to strengthen the corner and end sections of structures, at the interface points of critical elements (beams with walls, piles with the upper part of the foundation, foundation elements, etc.). They are made according to the Customer's drawings in various configurations, sizes and shapes.

Examples BASIS Bent Elements®

BASIS Bent Elements G-Element Kartochka_Tovara


  Diameter from 4 to 10 mm

The physical and mechanical parameters meet the requirements of the international standard ASTM D7914/D7914M-14.


гнутые 2



  Diameter from 4 to 10 mm

The physical and mechanical parameters meet the requirements of the international standard ASTM D7914/D7914M-14.





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