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Our production
Composite frames BASIS Constructive®

Composite frames BASIS Constructive®

IMG_7077 IMG_2414 балка

Composite frames for structures BASIS Constructive® - products made of composite rod, lightweight and durable spatial frame of any concrete structures and products. It is manufactured according to the customer's size using chemically resistant ECR-fiberglass, a special composition of epoxy resins and with a quartz coating. They are made of BASIS Spiral ® composite springs of various shapes (circle, square, tarp, triangle, cone, etc.), bent bearing and structural elements of the frame made of BASIS Bent Elements® composite rod and BASIS® composite rebar. They are supplied assembled or with a kit for on-site assembly. The frame elements are formed by broaching the rod in dies, followed by winding with an anchor layer, applying a quartz coating, winding on the mold and polymerization of the product, which determines its excellent physical and mechanical characteristics.  Due to the applied quartz coating and the anchoring layer, the frame has excellent adhesion strength to concrete. 

Some characteristics of BASIS Constructive® :

* fiber content – 83-86 percent;

* density of at least 2.1 g / cm3;

* corrosion resistance;

* radio transparency, light weight;

• degree of fire resistance R70;

* service life – 80-100 years;

* minimum angle beam length: 150-150 mm;

* maximum angle beam length: 1000-1000 mm;

* degrees of angle: according to the Client's request;

* angle radii: at the request of the Client;

• diameter of the spring rod:  4-10 mm.

Opening hours:
Mo - Fr   8:00 - 17:00 GMT+3
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