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JSC "HELP Composite" has mastered the production of Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber.

JSC "HELP Composite" has mastered the production of Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber.

JSC "HELP Composite" has mastered the production of Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber.
JSC "HELP Composite" has mastered the production of Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber.

 In the spring of 2020, HELP Composite JSC launched the production of Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber under the BASIS Elements brand.

    Bent bearing elements made of Basalt fiber are used in industrial and civil construction. Designed to form and strengthen the corners of the supporting frame.

    According to its physical and mechanical parameters, the BASIS Elements line meets the requirements of the international standard ASTM D7914/D7914M-14 "Standard Test Method for Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bent Bars is Bend Locations" ("Standard Test Procedure for bent Fiberglass Rods for strength at bending Points").

American Society for Testing Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International).

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