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HELP Composite JSC held the 1st day of the Webinar entitled "Application of composite materials and products made from them in the construction industry"

HELP Composite JSC held the 1st day of the Webinar entitled "Application of composite materials and products made from them in the construction industry"

HELP Composite JSC held the 1st day of the Webinar entitled "Application of composite materials and products made from them in the construction industry"
HELP Composite JSC held the 1st day of the Webinar entitled "Application of composite materials and products made from them in the construction industry"

A webinar was held - the 1st part of a series of Webinars of HELP Composite JSC, organized by the Union of Designers of Russia and Help Composite together with the Construction Industry Development Institute LLC with the support of the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Construction Industry of the CCI of the Russian Federation under the title "Application of composite materials and products made of them in the construction industry".

The speaker of the Webinar was Andrey Buchkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Corrosion and Durability of Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the NIIZhB. Gvozdeva A. A., JSC " SIC "Construction".

The moderator of the webinar was Viktor A. Novoselov, President of the Union of Designers of Russia.

In the first part, the following issues were considered:

Materials and production technology:

What is an automatic transmission? A brief history and causes of occurrence in construction;
Automatic transmission production;
Materials used for production: Fiber (purpose, functions);
Fiber Types (Properties);
Types of binder (properties);
Automatic transmission design (main properties of automatic transmission);
Technological processes of automatic transmission manufacturing (Features, differences);
Properties advantages and disadvantages of automatic transmission;
Technical specifications:

Any building material must have a number of technical requirements necessary for the design, practical application, functional purpose of the material, and its properties. Technical requirements are considered within the framework of GOST 31938, including (new edition)
Types of automatic transmission
Technical requirements according to GOST 31938 (criteria) Additional technical requirements
Test methods:
The specified technical requirements must be evaluated using test methods. The methods of automatic transmission testing, their features and procedures, requirements for registration of test results are considered

Test methods according to GOST:
- determination of the nominal diameter;
- determination of the ultimate tensile strength;
- determination of the elastic modulus under tension;
- change in the tensile strength after exposure in an alkaline medium;
- determination of the strength of adhesion to concrete (pulling method);
- determination of the change in the strength of adhesion to concrete after exposure in an alkaline medium (pulling method);
- determination of the ultimate strength at the cross-section;
- determination of compressive strength;
- creep detection;
- definition of relaxation;
- determination of fatigue strength (cyclic tests);
- determination of the strength for the action of a long-term tensile load when held in an alkaline environment;
- quality control at production and at the consumer.
The next Webinar will be held on June 16, 2020 at 16: 00 Moscow time.

See the full program of the Webinar here



Opening hours:
Mo - Fr   8:00 - 17:00 GMT+3
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