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Experimental work on the implementation of BASIS composite reinforcement in aerated concrete lintels

Experimental work on the implementation of BASIS composite reinforcement in aerated concrete lintels

Experimental work on the implementation of BASIS composite reinforcement in aerated concrete lintels
Experimental work on the implementation of BASIS composite reinforcement in aerated concrete lintels
We are carrying out very interesting experimental work on the introduction of composite reinforcement into aerated concrete lintels during their production. Aerated concrete is produced in an aggressive environment. First, it is lime, which is an absolute alkali. Secondly, the curing of aerated concrete occurs at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Thirdly, the pressure is 10 atm. Under such conditions, the reinforcement made on a conventional polymer binder turns into a "rag". With the help of colleagues who are engaged in polymers, we selected the optimal resin composition, which can preserve the physical and mechanical properties of reinforcement in such conditions. The photo shows the first sample of aerated concrete bulkhead with applied composite reinforcement on a new binder.
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