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Meeting on the introduction of composite reinforcement in the construction of facilities in the Voronezh region

Meeting on the introduction of composite reinforcement in the construction of facilities in the Voronezh region

Meeting on the introduction of composite reinforcement in the construction of facilities in the Voronezh region

On April 16, 2021, the Government of the Voronezh Region together with the "Union of Builders" held a meeting on the introduction of composite reinforcement in the construction of facilities in the region. The meeting was attended by the department of construction, housing and communal services, road construction, major developers and designers. The meeting was chaired by the chairman of the "Union of builders of the Voronezh region" Astanin V.I. The speakers were the Deputy Director of the N.I. A.A. Gvozdeva, Ph.D. Buchkin A.V and General Director of JSC "HELP Composite" Levanov D.G.


Opening hours:
Mo - Fr   8:00 - 17:00 GMT+3
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