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The All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "The Application of Composite Materials in Construction" was held in Moscow

The All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "The Application of Composite Materials in Construction" was held in Moscow

The All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "The Application of Composite Materials in Construction" was held in Moscow


On November 17, 2020, the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "The Application of Composite Materials in Construction" was held in Moscow, held by the Union of Composite Manufacturers in conjunction with the Committee for the Development of the Composite Industry of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia", by order and with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation ... One of the conference participants were representatives of HELP Composite JSC.

Dmitry Levanov, General Director of HELP Composite JSC, made a report on the topic "Application of composite reinforcement and composite frame elements of HELP Composite JSC in construction".

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