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FRP rebar BASIS Chemical®

Industrial FRP composite rebar BASIS Chemical®

The physical and mechanical properties of the BASIS Chemical® industrial composite rebar are listed below.

Industrial composite reinforcement BASE Chemical ® It is made with the use of chemically resistant ECR-fiberglass and a special composition of epoxy resins that provide its excellent chemical resistance against alkalis and acids. The strength of BASIS Chemical ® is almost 3 times higher than the strength of steel reinforcement. The BASIS Chemical ® reinforcement is formed in dies with subsequent sprinkling of a certain fraction with quartz and polymerization of the product, which determines its excellent physical and mechanical characteristics. The BASIS Chemical ® glass composite reinforcement is used in critical building structures with their operation in aggressive conditions and provides excellent adhesion of the reinforcement with concrete. The quality of industrial glass composite rebar BASIS Quartz ® meets the requirements of State Standard of Russia 31938-2012  and Standard JSC "HELP Composite"  22.29.29-001-39515217-2019, which has increased physical and mechanical parameters relative to State Standard of Russia

Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 5.8-6.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.064 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1.



Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 7.8-8.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.116 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 9.8-10.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.183 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical® 


Nominal diameter: 11.8-12.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.254 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 13.8-14.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.348 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


 Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 15.8-16.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.453 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 17.8-18.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.536 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1


Industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®


Nominal diameter: 19.8-20.2 mm

Weight of 1 sq. m. - 0.681 kg.

Price on request

Guaranteed indicators:

Tensile strength MPa, not less than - 1200;
Tensile modulus of elasticity HPa, not less than - 52;
Density, g / cm3, not less than - 2.1

Physical and mechanical properties industrial composite rebar  BASIS Chemical®

физмехи чемикал англ

The profile of the rebar and its geometric dimensions:

физмехи чемикал 1 англ

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